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Re: Moxon Gain ant. 123 1. december 2011 kl. 15:24.
Her stå så lidt andet data fra et andet sted, den er også afstem til lidt højer oppe på båndet, så derfor ikke helt de samme data. Men det er ret ok VS en mobil antenne hehe
Antenna Performance
forward gain is about 5dBd (7,2dBi) in free space (= 12dBi in 8m height above ground) and stays nearly constant over the whole band.
- F/B ratio is about 25dB or better
- SWR stays below 1:1
- BANDWITH: 26,5 to 28,5 down swr 2:1
On-the-air test´s confirm these results.
These are the simulations in NEC2 with the software “Antenna Optimizer”.
Like you can see, the pattern diagram is very selective, with noteable front-to-back performance around 27db . The vertical diagram pattern with the antenna at 8 meters height, presents the elevation peak at 18° with 12,14 dbi and 5,14dbi at 5°.